Monday, June 16, 2008

Trip To Chicago

Nan and I visited Chicago today and had a great time. The first pictures were taken from the Sears Tower. I'm a little embarassed to say that I almost started to giggle hysterically in the elevator on the way to the top. The poor Mennonite man standing next to me obviously thought I had a few screws loose! When we took the elevator back to the ground level, I forced myself not to drop to my knees and kiss it!

Nan peers down in an attempt to find the Water Tower. She was very patient with my remarks about 'insanity', 'roof rats' and structural problems. :-) I may look relaxed but the old knees were shaking and the heart was pounding.
We made our way over to the Shedd Aquarium (walked 10 blocks)
and spent quite a bit of time at the center display. The fish were colorful and quite active.
We also saw a 4-d presentation of "Planet Earth - Shallow Seas". No one warned us that we would be showered by water, poked in the back, and lashed on the ankles! We were happy to make our escape from that theatre!

This trainer was working with the dolphins. In this picture, the dolphine was laying on it's back andyou can see two fins sticking out of the water.

We're pooped and will add more to the blog tomorrow!

1 comment:

Rach said...

Sounds like you guys had a blast! I'm proud of you for making it all the way up Sears Tower!!!