Monday, November 5, 2007

Dogs, Cats and Rabbits = Trouble

Friday, I was off work and in the late afternoon decided to take Cassie to the park where she chased squirrels, ran with the Big Girls (aka deer) and swam in the creek.

Everything was hunky-dorry until the ride home when she decided to launch her 90+ lb body from the back seat toward the windshield (squirrel sighting) and almost caused me to have an accident. I decided it was time for a doggie restraint system.

So off we go to Pet Supplies Plus. Since she had never been in the store, she was pulling me left and right between rawhide bones, beef coated pig ears and numerous other tasty treats for canines. It took all of my strength to keep her from inhaling these and I breathed a sigh of relief when we finally got to the toy/supply aisle!

Now here's the problem. Instead of walking back the way we came in, I decided to pick up a few cat treats for Toad on my way out. Guess what was in THAT aisle.....CATS in CAGES! Oh, that poor dog thought she had hit the jackpot!

So I drag her down and around the next aisle hoping to get her out of the store withour incident. No such luck, because the next aisle has.....

BUNNIES! Lots of caged BUNNIES! (Everyone knows bunnies are much more impressive to pooches!)

Picture this: 50+ woman, both hands on the collar, dragging and pulling said 90+ pound beast who is frantically doing her best imitation of the roadrunner, digging her claws into the linoleum and desperatingly whining and barking as she tries to make her way to her own personal heaven!

Why didn't I leave her in the car?? That's exactly what I asked myself as I runned Aspercreme into my sore shoulders!

Marni: 0
Cassie: 1