Friday, December 21, 2007

....It Made Me Chuckle

This came at the bottom of a Christmas email...needless to say, it made me chuckle....enjoy!

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007

Thinking Like Toad

Michael is taking care of a friend's dwarf hamster. Unfortunately, his bedroom door was left open one day and Toad discovered the "rodent-in-hiding".

Footnote: no animals were harmed in the filming of this post. :-)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday, December 3, 2007

Let It Snow

Winter in Michigan!

(Pictures are taken from various webcams across the state)

Boyne Mountain

Lake Superior

Friday, November 30, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy

Haven't posted in a while. Been busy with final exams, research papers, and responsibilities at our church.

Here's a little humor i received from a friend.

Melinda, Rachel & Michael,
This is what you have to look forward to!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Friday afternoon, Fr. Joe Gallagher, left this earthly existence and returned home to God, who nurtured and support him for 84 years.
Joe had such a profound influence on my life.
Many years ago, Joe retired to Grand Rapids and ministered at our Center. To say he was a vital part of the Paulist ministry is an understatement. We were proud and humbled when he chose Grand Rapids as his 'home'.
Known for his quick wit, compassion, straight forwardness and stubborness, Joe ministered to our community for many years. Even when the affects of Parkinson's slowed him down and increased his suffering, Joe continued to hear confessions and counseled those who were struggling. Later, his body would become his prison but he continued to persevere.
Joe tolerated no fools and was known to quickly and succinctly put people in their place, but he had the heart of a lion and the compassion of a saint.
Last year, I took Joe to see one of bob's high school plays. It was a sunny, fall day and the leaves were in all their glory. Joe, stubborn as usual, refused to use a wheel chair and struggled with each step using his walker. As we stood on my patio at intermission, he looked at me and in that crusty, New York accent said, "Marni, I don't know why God keeps me here. I'm useless, a burden and God knows, I'm not easy to be around." I chuckled and told him it was his penance.....but that day, we talked about God and 'going home' in His time, not ours.
Joe, I know why you were kept here so long. To be a light for us. Pointing us to the Spirit who guides us all.
Rest in peace, dear friend. I will miss you.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Comet, Dark Sky...Utter Frustration!

Friday night I was having trouble sleeping so I started wandering the house and while passing through the dining room I looked out our back slider. Lo and behold....Stars in November!

Imagine my excitement. Not only stars in November, but also a comet I've wanted to see which is visible to the naked eye. This comet had recently 'exploded' and was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Lights were extinguished quickly, clothes hurriedly thrown on, vest and scarf found, pockets crammed with batteries, lense cloth, kleenex, mittens, etc. The dog, who is totally confused by my behaviour, is now beside herself because we're going outside at NIGHT! whoo-whoo

So I drag and maneuver my telescope outside from the sunroom. Locate the comet with my eyes and then with binoculars. Wow, this is going to be GREAT!

Start to adjust my telescope when I hear a 'tunk' sound. In the dark, this is not a good. I slowly look down (using my red gel flashlight) and can't see any objects. Slowly scan the telescope and my heart sank.

The spotter scope had lost one of it's nut and the other is has tilted out of place. To non-telescope users...this means I'm going to fly blind tonight. The spotter scope must be aligned with the telescope in order to find anything in the sky. The only way to align the scope and telescope is during the day. groan.

Saturday morning, I aligned my scope and am ready for the next clear Michigan, that could in two days or two months!

This is a picture of the comet (17P / Holmes) which I hope to one day see clearly in my telescope.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Dogs, Cats and Rabbits = Trouble

Friday, I was off work and in the late afternoon decided to take Cassie to the park where she chased squirrels, ran with the Big Girls (aka deer) and swam in the creek.

Everything was hunky-dorry until the ride home when she decided to launch her 90+ lb body from the back seat toward the windshield (squirrel sighting) and almost caused me to have an accident. I decided it was time for a doggie restraint system.

So off we go to Pet Supplies Plus. Since she had never been in the store, she was pulling me left and right between rawhide bones, beef coated pig ears and numerous other tasty treats for canines. It took all of my strength to keep her from inhaling these and I breathed a sigh of relief when we finally got to the toy/supply aisle!

Now here's the problem. Instead of walking back the way we came in, I decided to pick up a few cat treats for Toad on my way out. Guess what was in THAT aisle.....CATS in CAGES! Oh, that poor dog thought she had hit the jackpot!

So I drag her down and around the next aisle hoping to get her out of the store withour incident. No such luck, because the next aisle has.....

BUNNIES! Lots of caged BUNNIES! (Everyone knows bunnies are much more impressive to pooches!)

Picture this: 50+ woman, both hands on the collar, dragging and pulling said 90+ pound beast who is frantically doing her best imitation of the roadrunner, digging her claws into the linoleum and desperatingly whining and barking as she tries to make her way to her own personal heaven!

Why didn't I leave her in the car?? That's exactly what I asked myself as I runned Aspercreme into my sore shoulders!

Marni: 0
Cassie: 1

Friday, October 26, 2007


Yesterday, I celebrated another birthday. It was an unusual birthday because all of my family had serious commitments which didn't allow them to spend significant time with me yesterday. But somehow each took the time via cards, text messages, early morning singing, v:mails, and quick drop-ins to make me feel special.

I am blessed.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Weekend at The FEN

Our trip up north started out with overcast skies, windy conditions, bouts of torrential rain (ok, mild rain) and four party animals. Oh, and me...their chauffer/banker. :-)
Melinda: our "navigator". I told her not to quit her day job!
Someone in the car hollered out "Look at the trout"
so, of course, I had to turn around and get a group picture!
(L to R) Jessica Hook (Mel's friend), Melinda,
Michael and Rachel (Michael's gf).
No, Jess and Melinda are not saluting...they are trying to keep the rain off their faces.
No one shouted out after this picture! DARN!

We were a few hours ahead of the rest of the group going north,

so we stopped at a fun stop and they played miniature golf while I played pinball.

I won't mention what Michael tried to do to the was just plain WRONG!

Hmmm....thanksgiving dinner???

The two track down to the ponds at the FEN

where the illusive trout taunted Marni!

Mike is officially a pyro!

(I'm so PROUD!)

A picture of our motley young adults at Little Traverse Bay...

We stopped to walk along the beach, search for fossils and ofc, another photo opp!

Melinda and Jess could not resist posing with the

ABSOLUTELY No trespassing sign.

I believe Jess even stepped on the grass to see if alarms would go off.

Ah, to be rich and haughty!

Rachel and Michael clowning around at Dead Man's Hill.

Dead Man's Hill - beautiful October colors


After an entire weekend of abusing Rachel's stuffed dog, which he had given her,

Michael is captured even in sleep refusing to give up custody!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Toad, The Pampered Princess

Since Libby passed away, I have done my best to ingratiate my way into Toad's affection. (i.e. canned cat food, catnip mice, etc.)

Now I have sunken to an all time low...a nice, blue, plush, cat bed. But to no avail....The little beast loves the cat bed but continues to avoid me. *sigh*

Friday, October 12, 2007


My Younger days
by Maya Angelou

When I was in my younger days,
I weighed a few pounds less,
I needn't hold my tummy in
to wear a belted dress.
But now that I am older,
I've set my body free;
There's the comfort of elastic
Where once my waist would be.
Inventor of those high-heeled shoes
My feet have not forgiven;
I have to wear a nine now,
But used to wear a seven.
And how about those pantyhose-
They're sized by weight, you see,
So how come when I put them on
The crotch is at my knee?
I need to wear these glasses
As the print's been getting smaller;
And it wasn't very long ago
I know that I was taller.
Though my hair has turned to gray
and my skin no longer fits,
On the inside, I'm the same old me,
It's the outside's changed a bit.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Oreo and Maddie

This week, I am staying at a friend's house (on a lake) for a few days to watch her girls, Oreo and Maddie. As you can see from the pictures, they are beautiful dogs.

Oreo - the big sister, gentle as a lamb but I've learned not to be deceived...
she's a little stinker, too!

Maddie - spunky, friendly and playful
The dogs like to stand in the shallow water and 'fish'
for bluegills and minnows.
Above: Oreo stands in one spot and patiently waits for the fish
to come near and then pounces on them.

Maddie wanders into Oreo's fishing territory.

Maddie getting ready to pounce on some unsuspecting marine life.

It has been fun getting to know these two characters!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Beauty of Nature

The intricacy and beauty of nature continually refreshes my soul.

A crisp fall morning with the sun rising...its rays catching the dew on a large intricate spider web...glistening like jews in the morning light.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

TURNBULL - My Maiden Name

For those of you who read my blog and think I was insenstive regarding "Suzanne Turnbull" maiden name is Turnbull.

Thus my remark about a 'distant relative'....not that she looks like the bull sculpture!

Now stop the emails!


Monday, October 1, 2007

Friday In Stratford

Every year, Bob and a fellow teacher take 50+ high school student to see a Shakespeare play at Stratford. Every year, I am invited along to be a chaperone.. humorous because Bob knows my low tolerance for hormonal, egotistical 14 - 18 year olds! Below are a few pictures of our day.

"Iron Will"

Sorel Etrog

Large Bull, 1969

Speaking of bulls..... a distant relative perhaps?

I decided to walk back into town along the river and came across this swan. As I walked toward it, it angled itself across the pathway and hissed at me. At first, I tried walking onto the grass to bypass it. But evidently, it considers all of Stratford it's own personal kingdom.

To make a long story short....

51 year old woman runs down the brick path with honking, hissing swan in hot pursuit!

Swam: 1

Marni: 0


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Reflection - My Daughters

To Melinda and Rachel - who will be 26 in Saturday.

It seems like yesterday your Dad and I were rushing to the hospital at four in the morning, frightened beyond belief because you were on your way - 10 weeks early. Your Dad, cursing the absence of any police cars, although there was no traffic and the roads were clear. So intent to make sure he took care of me and his babies. Me, sitting quietly, moving deeper and deeper into myself as the reality of our situation took hold.

You both know the story of your rushed birth: the ambulance ride to Saginaw, Dr. Foltz and his monster hands, Dr. Chai (the janitor) and of course, poor Dad wandering in the hallway until he could get into the delivery room and witness your birth.

What I think of now is the incredible beauty of certain moments.

Melinda, your little leg kicking in the air as they worked to stabilize you. I didn't know if you were a boy or girl but I knew I loved you. Your spunky little knee and foot gave me reason to hope.

Rachel, your eyes staring at me as they stopped next to me before rushing you to the neo-natal unit. Your expression was as old as time and I knew you'd fight to live.

There are so many memories of both of you that I feel overwhelmed with love and gratitude for your lives and the small part we have played.

You are loving, generous and gifted women and I am proud to be your mother.

May you continue to grow as individuals, true to yourselves and always feel the love and support of your friends and family!

Early Happy Birthday, Bubbles & Squirt!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Our Weekend

Removing all the patio stones and plants from the front of the
new deck in preparation for the steps. We were planning to wait until spring to build the steps, but I've had near mishaps with Cassie when she tries to catch a squirrel and literally launches herself off the deck. It's hard to dodge an 85-pound cannonball! Maybe a railing or a shock collar would be a better idea?
Had to relocate eight mum plants at the height of their bloom cycle....groan.

The result of 2 1/2 hours of work!

4 x 6 x 10's and 4 x 6 x 8's cut to make the frame, drilled and bolts attached.

Insight: I'm way to old for this kind of work!

Pattern for the inlaid stones is on the deck. Notice the huge butterfly net hanging from the shepherd's hook? I use it to catch my mongo-goldfish when I move them from the pond to the basement for the winter.....which is another story. They started out as baby goldfish and now each of them are between 8 - 12 inches long. I'm thinking about a fish dinner this fall....

Found this beautiful Ivy Leafed Morning Glory twined in my snapdragons.... Compliments of a passing bird. The bloom is a vibrant blue in the morning and fades to a light lilac by evening. Each bloom lasts one hoping to get a few seeds to start a plant next year.

Monday, September 17, 2007


There are times in my life that I question my own sense of it dark? irreverent? impish? a coping mechanism?

On Saturday, I picked our mail out of the box and noticed two envelopes from Aquinas college. No big deal, Melinda and I both receive mail from them.

Then I noticed the first was addressed to:

The Parents of
Marni J. Rose

I actually thought my glasses were giving me problems....adjusted them and looked again.

Nope, still "parent of Marni j. Rose"

The next envelope was addressed to me .... notifying me I had made the Dean's list...that was nice.

Later as I'm telling Bob and Melinda, I started to laugh and then explained myself. My thought is to send the envelope back to the college in a separate enveloped with the following note to the mailroom:

To whom it may concern:

Please forward all future correspondence to the Parents of Marni J Rose to:

St. Anthony's Cemetery
2345 Erie Road
Temperance MI

attn: Plot 338

Please do not expect a speedy response.

See why I question my humor?

Friday, September 7, 2007

Rodin and My Thoughts

Today, I am taking the day off of work to study and start a research paper. I'm back in my regular, school and all the other obligations which tug at me constantly. Truth be told, I'm yearning to be back on vacation!

To make myself feel better, I'm sharing some of my favorite Rodin's.....enjoy!

"The Call To Arms"
This scrulpture mesmerized me with the intensity of feeling which Rodin captured.
The dying combatant and the avenging angel.
I found myself wandering back to gaze at it many times.

"The Prodigal Son"

This was also one of my favorites. The simplicity of the lines
evoked such a feeling of surrender that I was captivated.
At first my thought was total surrender but I was puzzled by the hands.
One is stretched open and the other clenched.
I couldn't help thinkging the clenched hand a symbol of the human resistance
to total surrender to the Divine....

"The Mighty Hand"
This reminded me of creation. The power man has been given.
Frightening in its intensity.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Rose Family Reunion

Group picture ... Thanks to Sandy's whistle, we were able to pull this off!
Over 70 relatives travelled from all over the US to attend.
* It was difficult to realize, WE are now the older generation! groan
Front row: Barb, Sue and Mary
Back row: Paul, Bob, Mark, John and Don
Their parents would be proud!

The Rose Outlaws!

Kim (John), Marianne (Mark), Denise (Don), Marni (Bob), Sandy (Paul)

It always amazes me how well we all get along!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

More Pictures

Only people our age can feel comfortable in these outfits!
Cassie loves having Rachel, "the screechy one", home for a visit!
Rach and Cassie enjoying some quality time together.
What can be more fun than a sunny day, a girl and her dog, McDonald
and a bottle of ...lemon juice! [The sure cure for our chatty friend!]

Under the black-eyed susan is the largest wasp I have ever seen.

Approximately 4" long!

Belated picture of Melinda in her apartment. Bob and I agree, her first apartment is much to nice. Ours (respectively) were not so plush!