Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Reflection - My Daughters

To Melinda and Rachel - who will be 26 in Saturday.

It seems like yesterday your Dad and I were rushing to the hospital at four in the morning, frightened beyond belief because you were on your way - 10 weeks early. Your Dad, cursing the absence of any police cars, although there was no traffic and the roads were clear. So intent to make sure he took care of me and his babies. Me, sitting quietly, moving deeper and deeper into myself as the reality of our situation took hold.

You both know the story of your rushed birth: the ambulance ride to Saginaw, Dr. Foltz and his monster hands, Dr. Chai (the janitor) and of course, poor Dad wandering in the hallway until he could get into the delivery room and witness your birth.

What I think of now is the incredible beauty of certain moments.

Melinda, your little leg kicking in the air as they worked to stabilize you. I didn't know if you were a boy or girl but I knew I loved you. Your spunky little knee and foot gave me reason to hope.

Rachel, your eyes staring at me as they stopped next to me before rushing you to the neo-natal unit. Your expression was as old as time and I knew you'd fight to live.

There are so many memories of both of you that I feel overwhelmed with love and gratitude for your lives and the small part we have played.

You are loving, generous and gifted women and I am proud to be your mother.

May you continue to grow as individuals, true to yourselves and always feel the love and support of your friends and family!

Early Happy Birthday, Bubbles & Squirt!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Our Weekend

Removing all the patio stones and plants from the front of the
new deck in preparation for the steps. We were planning to wait until spring to build the steps, but I've had near mishaps with Cassie when she tries to catch a squirrel and literally launches herself off the deck. It's hard to dodge an 85-pound cannonball! Maybe a railing or a shock collar would be a better idea?
Had to relocate eight mum plants at the height of their bloom cycle....groan.

The result of 2 1/2 hours of work!

4 x 6 x 10's and 4 x 6 x 8's cut to make the frame, drilled and bolts attached.

Insight: I'm way to old for this kind of work!

Pattern for the inlaid stones is on the deck. Notice the huge butterfly net hanging from the shepherd's hook? I use it to catch my mongo-goldfish when I move them from the pond to the basement for the winter.....which is another story. They started out as baby goldfish and now each of them are between 8 - 12 inches long. I'm thinking about a fish dinner this fall....

Found this beautiful Ivy Leafed Morning Glory twined in my snapdragons.... Compliments of a passing bird. The bloom is a vibrant blue in the morning and fades to a light lilac by evening. Each bloom lasts one hoping to get a few seeds to start a plant next year.