Monday, November 19, 2007

Friday afternoon, Fr. Joe Gallagher, left this earthly existence and returned home to God, who nurtured and support him for 84 years.
Joe had such a profound influence on my life.
Many years ago, Joe retired to Grand Rapids and ministered at our Center. To say he was a vital part of the Paulist ministry is an understatement. We were proud and humbled when he chose Grand Rapids as his 'home'.
Known for his quick wit, compassion, straight forwardness and stubborness, Joe ministered to our community for many years. Even when the affects of Parkinson's slowed him down and increased his suffering, Joe continued to hear confessions and counseled those who were struggling. Later, his body would become his prison but he continued to persevere.
Joe tolerated no fools and was known to quickly and succinctly put people in their place, but he had the heart of a lion and the compassion of a saint.
Last year, I took Joe to see one of bob's high school plays. It was a sunny, fall day and the leaves were in all their glory. Joe, stubborn as usual, refused to use a wheel chair and struggled with each step using his walker. As we stood on my patio at intermission, he looked at me and in that crusty, New York accent said, "Marni, I don't know why God keeps me here. I'm useless, a burden and God knows, I'm not easy to be around." I chuckled and told him it was his penance.....but that day, we talked about God and 'going home' in His time, not ours.
Joe, I know why you were kept here so long. To be a light for us. Pointing us to the Spirit who guides us all.
Rest in peace, dear friend. I will miss you.