Saturday, July 5, 2008


Am optimistic. Starting to feel a better. Was more active today and able to tolerate more food and liquids. Spent quite a bit of the day outside. Bob took us to the fireworks in Kentwood. We parked in a lot about a 1/4 mile from the launch area. This was very special because Bob normally hates to go to the I know he wanted me to enjoy it. :-)

Recent pictures....

First. "Do you see what I see?"

A dogs paw in a bowl of my jello.
Too bad it wasn't the Virgin Mary or Christ...could have made a few thousand dollars on eBay!

Bob wanted a picture of me and my "Backyard Wildlife Habitat" sign
I received the plaque from the National Wildlife Federation after meeting
a number of specification as a wildlife habitat. :-)

Bob and Rachel finish spreading mulch on our back fence line.
Bob and the kids really worked hard while I was in Wisconsin and since I've been sick.
Melinda is a tenacious weeder and expert path layer,
Rachel (our city girl) has turned into quite the outdoor woman, and
Michael doesn't hesitate to help with the lugging and carrying jobs.
I am blessed.

I thought my raspberries last year were huge....they're MONSTERS this year!

Thursday, July 3, 2008


The doctor has put me on short term disability as she tries to figure out what is wrong with me. Tuesday, I had extensive blood work. Yesterday, an ultrasound of my pancreas, liver and gall bladder. A few other things which are too embarrassing to write in a blog (sigh).

Still only tolerating applesauce, clear liquids and the evening 1/4 c of mashed potatoes. So far I've lost approximately 16 pounds....always wanted to lose weight but definitely NOt this way.

Being checked for microbial infections/parasites...."did you drink well water while you were in Wisconsin??" Never thought to ask if the Door County restaurants were on wells or not...... "Did you eat tomatoes"....yeah, right after it was broadcast on national news that salmonella was linked to them. "Do you remember being bitten by a tick".... Oh yeah, like that is something i would FORGET!

Sorry....guess it's not only my digestive track that is cranky. (chuckle)

Monday, June 30, 2008

Few Pictures

A bird decided I needed a lily among my black eyed susan. Quite a surprise.

The second brood of Robins are within a week of fledging....they are a noisy brood.

A nice surprise when I returned from WI. Bob build a small fence to hide my woodpile....necessary to be certified as Backyard Wildlife Habitat.

A very confused squirrel.....Yes, I put a ceramic snake in the bird feeder. The poor squirrel peered at it from different positions for at least 1/2 an hour....hilarious.

A Father's Day present to Bob from Rachel.
He did the arrangement on a 4 x 4 in our front yard.... he loves it.

The first bowl of my currants....frozen and ready to make jelly in October.

A very sleepy Rachel. This is the perfect position to receive a dog kiss from Cassie.


No, I haven't gone off the face of the earth since my return from Wisconsin. It has not been a good 10 days. Two days after coming home, I became ill suddenly at work. Long story.....after numerous visits to the doctors and urgent care, I have been diagnosed with IBS and gastroparesis. Basically, my stomach and intestines have the disposition of a cranky, colicky child (groan).

I am on a two medications and a special diet which consists of broth, bananas and steamed, broiled (tasteless) food.

Yes, this is my idea of hell....well, maybe that's a big harsh....okay, it's at least a level of Dante's Inferno.....maybe a level five. :-(

Have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and hopefully I will be able to go back to work.