Friday, July 27, 2007


First day of vacation for hubby.

First "Gee, I don't have to get up this morning."

First, "I'll be thinking of you while I go back to sleep!"

First evil thoughts begin to enter my head....

*can you tell I'm NOT a morning person?

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Next Week / Same Time...

We'll be leaving Chicago for the trip to San Francisco....whoo-hoo! :-)

As I was drifting off to sleep last night, I was trying to decide what I was anticipating the most. Didn't take long to figure it out....

I'm hooked on Rodin! One of the museums in San Francisco has an exhibit with 71 (oh, be still my heart!!!) of his sculptures....I will be in heaven.

Bob will not be joining me on this excursion.... I lovingly refer to him as 'the lurker' when we visit museums because he follows me around but really has no real interest in the exhibits.

Ocourse, this means I will probably get lost on the transit system since I am directionally impaired. Oh well, it has the making of another "Marni Story". Time will tell....

Monday, July 23, 2007

Work and Wonder

The Rose men, Bob and Michael, building a deck for me in the back yard.

Sorry for the fuzzy picture!
This is my better half (used for comparison) with a my fennel plant
which is now over SEVEN feet tall!
This butterfly and I danced around and through my garden
while I tried to take it's picture!

Persistence paid off! Isn't he beautiful!?!