Monday, October 1, 2007

Friday In Stratford

Every year, Bob and a fellow teacher take 50+ high school student to see a Shakespeare play at Stratford. Every year, I am invited along to be a chaperone.. humorous because Bob knows my low tolerance for hormonal, egotistical 14 - 18 year olds! Below are a few pictures of our day.

"Iron Will"

Sorel Etrog

Large Bull, 1969

Speaking of bulls..... a distant relative perhaps?

I decided to walk back into town along the river and came across this swan. As I walked toward it, it angled itself across the pathway and hissed at me. At first, I tried walking onto the grass to bypass it. But evidently, it considers all of Stratford it's own personal kingdom.

To make a long story short....

51 year old woman runs down the brick path with honking, hissing swan in hot pursuit!

Swam: 1

Marni: 0



Unknown said...

Ahhh...exercise! :)

Rach said...

too bad Dad didn't have his camera with him.. that would have been a good profile pic for the blog ;)

MJR said...

Your father, in his ultimate wisdom, chose to walk back via the residential area and missed the encounter with the spawn (swan) of satan!
