Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Nan and I took a road trip today to visit Holy Hill, a basilica in Hubertus, Wisconsin.
It was by far one of the most beautiful churches I have ever visited!
The church was constructed at the top of a hill and can be seen for miles. The view from the church is spectacular....enjoy a few of the pictures from our trip!
This wooden cross was fashioned from white oak that grew on the property
and was erected in 1858.
This is a side altar and dedicated to St. Therese of Lisieux.

This stained glass window pictures the Holy Family.

All the columns were enhanced with these frescoes.
The majority show a small child's face.
A few others show a woman's face.

This mosaic was directly below the altar.

A view from across the main body of the church.

This window portrays the presentation of Jesus in the Temple.

This mosaic honors St. Teresa of Avila.

By far the most beauitful stained glass I have ever seen!
This Rose windows is above the choir loft and honor
the immaculate conception of Mary.
She is surrounded by twelve angels.

Sacred Heart...this windows seemed to radiant a sense of peace.

We sat quietly in the church and I can't begin to describe the feelings I had....peace, tranqulity, beauty, and reverence.

Well worth the trip....


Rach said...

I stand corrected- it wasn't a cemetery. ;)

It's gorgeous- are the Carmelites still there?

MJR said...

Yes. While we were sitting in the basilica, I noticed two brothers walking through the inner chapel....garbed in long brown robes and sandles. :-)