Friday, June 22, 2007

Pictures of my Garden

This is the east side of my back yard - the rocks are from my sister Faye and contain thousands of fossils. The area behind the rocks contains hostas, St. John's wart, ferns, wild ginger, goatsbeard, jack-in-the-pulpit and ajuga.

This is the small pond which Bob installed for me and is home to five overweight goldfish and the occasional toad. Cassie likes to eat the fish food and the fish are so spoiled they refuse to eat worms which fall in....go figure!

This is part of the center garden with Cassie....she's hoping to play bread frisbee (that's another story!)


Unknown said...

Wow! It sure looks different from when you first moved there. I remember it with NOTHING in the backyard except a little wading pool and two little naked twins running around the backyard!!! I think I actually have a picture of that buried somewhere. Looks nice though. Would love to hear the "bread frisbee" story though.

Anonymous said...

I remember carrying all those rocks into the backyard :-p

And the look of horror in our eyes when you said one of your work friends had a pile of rocks that you could choose from...

The garden looks nice :)

Did Cass get to play bread frisbee?

Faye said...

When you, Bob and the kids took home all the rocks (was it 2 or 3 trips across the state), I knew that you would use them in a great way! Hopefully I will be able to come east from Nevada and see them in person. I remember when we got them from a neighbor and how Virg worked so hard to got them "just" right around our patio. I loved to go out after a rain to see what fossils were to be seen. Wonderful job, Sister! I thank you more than you can know !