Monday, June 18, 2007

Harried, Humid and Hopeless

I took the day off work today to try to catch up on my classwork. My idea for an easy summer was taking an independent study on C.S. Lewis and a one week seminar on Thomas Aquinas. Why did I think THAT would be easy?!?!
Today, it's 90+ degrees with high humidity. So much for sitting outside and reading all day! So I'm at the library (again), reading and trying to keep myself on you can see I'm losing that battle!
Will have pictures tomorrow of my garden starting to 'burst out'. I love it when my monarda (red), coreoposis (yellow) and spiderwort(purple) start to bloom. Yesterday, a hummingbird visited the monarda and it was humorous watching it darting hither and yon and buzzing back a second later.
Yesterday was Father's Day and I am so thankful for Bob. I couldn't ask for a better mate, friend and father of my children....I am blessed. To celebrate, I bought him three dodo birds (each representing one of our living children) to decorate his garden....he appreciated the humor.
All right, it's back to work....I am truly hopeless!

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