Sunday, August 12, 2007

SF to Vashon Island

Bad time to try to catch a cab to the other side of the bay! We waited hours (well, maybe 40 minutes) and contemplated cab-jacking but finally were able to secure a ride!
Sandy covered herself from the sunlight, having not recognized it after several foggy days in San Francisco. Bob on the other hand, is gloating after winning yet another hand of S*** on Your Neighbor!!!
High in the Cascade Mountains is this beautiful turquoise reservoir. We saw hordes of Oregonians carrying their buckets (only kidding ... Marni has had a Mojito).
We thought we needed a picture of at least one train bridge for the railroad buffs, even if it is 3 miles away.

After an hour and half drive to go TWO miles and violating several Homeland Security Rules, the captain of the ferry announced that our trip had been cancelled and we would be leaving 45 minutes later (2:10 AM). Paul, the navigator, was decomissioned because of his blurry eyes and also for refusing to believe there was a street named Fauntleroy! Surprisingly, we are all still talking to each other. Marni saved the day by taking the map and navigating which is truly amazing since she has no sense of direction!
Paul and Sandy's cottage is to the right and Bob and Marni's is hidden.

Dinner was a smorgasbord of deli delights! Followed by more sh#&@ on your neighbor. Paul learned that August is National Goatcheese month....God help us!

View from our cottages on Vashon Island

Yes, this was Mt. Rainier which is visible from our cotttages! Beautiful!

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