Monday, April 30, 2007

Loving Michigan

This weekend reminded me why I love Michigan. After a long and dreary winter, Michigan has turned on it's charm and wowed me back into love. :-)

Melinda and I spent an afternoon at Amon Park outside of Sparta and I could not believe how many wildflowers were in bloom. We came down one hill and in front of us were blankets of Virginia Bluebells, Anemone, Spring Beauties and was absolutely spectacular! I was astounded to see Wild Ginger growing in thick clumps right next to Dutchman's Breeches and Jack in the Pulpit. It seemed everywhere we turned we were finding more and more in bloom! My kind of day!

My fish have been moved into the outdoor pond (thanks to Melinda) and are fun to watch. We bought them when they were about 4 inches long and now they're 10 inches and lovingly referred to as 'pigs' since they eat so much. We have to catch them using a butterfly net! The dog thinks they're a hoot and the cats are already getting 'that look' in their eyes....trouble is on the way. Last year, a neighbor's cat fell in the pond trying to catch dinner...chuckle

I was able to move my patio furniture outside and study under the umbrella. Bob was mocking me (gently) from the kitchen window but there is no way I am going to be stuck inside when it's beautiful...I'm an outdoor person and will be until I'm incapable of dragging myself out!

1 comment:

Rach said...

What look in the cats' eyes are you talking about?? I've never seen them show any sign of interest in the fish ... now the wood pile and compost is another story ;) Mice galore!